100,001 Darts Scorer
Score a Marathon Leg of Darts Using this handy Scorer
Last update: May 30 2023 ,
Version: 1.1 ,
On this page
The Scorer
Here is the link to the scorer.
How to Use
Open the Program is Downloaded and Put somewhere safe you should be able to open it.
Setting the Name and Starting Score
Here is where you can just enter a new name and a new score, if these are changed a new game must be started before they take effect.
Entering a Score
Here is where you enter score you can either press the buttons or use the num keys. Pressing the enter key will confirm the score entered.
Here are the Last 10 Scores, they are printed at the side. You can Undo by pressing the Undo button however you can only undo the last 10 scores.
Here are the stats, this will show you all the information about your current game.
All the data is saved in a data.json
file with the scorer its self, this can be edited, shared or saved but if you are going to edit it do at your own risk!
This scorer has a built in websocket ws://
This is what the sent json will look
"player" : "TerrierDarts" ,
"startingScore" : 100001 ,
"c180" : 0 ,
"c170" : 0 ,
"c140" : 8 ,
"c100" : 28 ,
"totalScored" : 17843.0 ,
"dartsThrown" : 903.0 ,
"average" : 59.28 ,
"lastScore" : 100 ,
"previousScores" : [
85 ,
30 ,
100 ,
100 ,
60 ,
60 ,
45 ,
96 ,
43 ,
"remaining" : 82158.0
Create a Browser Source in OBS.
Add the dimensions (Width:750 / Height:250 ).
Paste In the Link
Here is the codepen if you wish to make any changes: https://codepen.io/terrierdarts/pen/poxXaNK
Since it has a websocket you can use a program like Streamer.bot to do things when scores are sent.
Here is collection of Example Actions.
Import Code.
Click to Copy.